ECG Sensor is a wireless, microcontroller-based system of acquisition that allows to record the ECG signal simply touching the bracelet with the palm or a finger. Than the data are sent to the Android or Windows user interface. The device was designed paying particular attention to keeping the size compact, and the power consumption very low. It has been therefore possible to integrate the device into a bracelet, also thanks to a specifically designed case realized through a 3D-printer. The peculiar lithium battery used and the low-power design philosophy, allowed a lifetime of several months with a standard usage (a couple of daily acquisition). The mobile and desktop applications allow to launch acquisitions, to store or send them to the medical server, and run the identification algorithm.

The whole system consists of four parts:

  1. ECG Sensor Bracelet that is the hardware core of the system; it consists of a battery powered device based on the MSP430G2955 microcontroller that samples the analog signals and handles the bluetooth communication.
  2. ECG Sensor App is the developed Android software, which, through a simple and attractive design, makes possible to start acquisition, to store data into the smartphone and send them to the doctor.
  3. Desktop UI is the Windows software that, in addition to the ECG Sensor App, also allows an accurate filtering and de-noising of the signal, and to run the identification algorithm.
  4. Identification Algorithm is the Matlab code with the devised classification system that allows the biometric identification of the user.


  • Powered by 3,6V 240 mAh lithium-Polimer battery (dimension of 2,3cm x 1,8cm x 1,5cm);
  • Power Consumption : 0,05 mW for about 20 seconds (single acquisition);
  • Corresponding to more than 500 acquisitions


The user interface is developed for both:

  • Windows;
  • Android Phone;

In both cases the software permits to:

  • Launch Acquisition (via bluetooth);
  • Read data (via bluetooth);
  • Perform identification (only in the pc version)
  • Send via mail the acquisition to the doctor (only in the android version)




In the following is shown an acquisition of ECG Sentor performed in parallel with a clinical ECG acquisition instrument (at the bottom):